Doing Clinical Depression and beyond







Having spent seven years with this illness, with medication and alternative treatments and having spent a further eleven years without it, I have so many thoughts on the whys and wherefores in which I would like to share with anyone who may be interested.


Looking back at the illness, I have little idea of what actually went on in reference to my character, personality, behaviour.  I do know that my symptoms were frightening, that I felt lost, tried to hang on to reality, t0 mothering my three children and working.  Work was impossible and clearly I failed, during those years, in being the mother my children had known and loved.  Losing the plot in one moment and coming to seven years later, children have grown up, moved on, whereas you are stuck in a time warp.  I am sure it is different for every single person and those with a spouse, close family, who honour the patient throughout, family may survive and grow together.  However, that was not my experience.


I had only recently come to faith, but could not call myself a Christian yet, however, I did cling to God and in the latter years I attended church and various other church related events.  I know then that I was appearing “normal” in the last few years, but I suppose medication and the desperate need to survive and come through is what drove away some of the darkness, lethargy, tiredness and pain.  I can only tell you that the experience was unreal and I have a very real empathy for anyone who has gone through, or is going through their own journey of mental illness.


To say you are “cured/healed” is a statement of faith and relief, when you no longer need meds. or treatment.  When the doctor signs you off and says you are better now.  “Thank you Jesus” was my response.


However, the journey beyond the actual illness is different and you are not quite as you were before becoming ill.  Looking back I was confident if shy, determined if insecure, able in most things, adventurous, a little bit craft inspired, and so on.  Now, I am not at all confident, although I am able to give the impression to sound as though I am.


Thankful that you survived, thankful of the experience despite what it stole.  But brokenhearted at the great loss, which can never be restored, the time with children, loving them and being loved by them.  Lost years.  Lost position as a parent.


I picked up where I thought I had left off, the smiling me, the one who has spent almost all her life giving the impression that all is well.  Being who, I think, people expect.  A veneer.  Alone, in the dead of night, memories of losses, rejections, lies, hurtful words, injustices, flood into my mind and the tears form, but quickly wiped away.  “Don’t go there, its too painful”.  Shrug it off…again and again.


The thing is, depression leaves deep scars in its victims.  Like surgery in many ways.  Scars that actually don’t really fade with time.  Those scars pull, warp, stiffen, hurt, break open.  They consist of anxiety, and of wounds that were caused, a constant sense of uncertainty, fear of more of the same, panic moments and so on.  I don’t know how anyone does it without Jesus, I think I may have become bitter and angry at the enormous losses incurred….and the stepping into the future but not being able to go back and regain those seven years, precious years with my children as their mother.

I honestly believe that if I did not have my faith, if I did not have a very certain hope of eternity, I may very well not be where I am today.  Clinging to my Heavenly Father is all one can really do to get through a life such as this…He is my strength, my Counsellor, my Comforter and my reward.


I really hope I don’t spend the rest of my days on earth, treading water.  A desire deep within is to be a good and faithful servant, to use my God given gifts…and the power that dwells within in the Holy Spirit.  But there is always that little voice saying “no, you can’t, you will fail”.  At which point I can choose to stamp my proverbial foot, but times where I am weak I believe that voice.


Broken lives, broken hearts can be healed, we just need to keep looking up.  It is so easy to say, it is equally easy to do, if you develop it as a good habit/discipline, surround yourself with friends who will gently remind you to keep on track.  Being loved, being supported are the most important aspects of this illness, the enormous and overwhelming sense of aloneness, loneliness, rejection, embarassment and fear, can only be counteracted with love and support, not judgement or rejection or even disbelief of the diagnosis.


This illness, thankful I have gone beyond and recovered, but feel blessed to have experienced it despite the losses.  I am enabled to listen, understand, support others in understanding and living with their illness, and for those those who care for friends and family.  It is another of those hidden illnesses where people think you look fine, therefore you are, or think you are a hypochondriac, you are miserable from choice or simply lazy etc.


Thankfully there are many support groups, institutions, and associations now,  sufferers are able to seek help, along with medical intervention, therapy etc.


Clinical depression, like all mental health diagnosis, is not a “feeling” or a “choice”, it is very real and hideously insiduous.



Self Image




It was something someone said to me a few weeks ago, about going on holiday and how they had bought an all covering item of clothing to wear on the beach so that stretch marks could not be seen.  It made me think that those stretch marks are badges of honour….caused by the stretching of skin as the miracle of new life grew within.  I wonder why women see them as ugly and are, therefore, embarassed.





Moving on from badges of honour to badges of identity, there are birth marks, moles, scars caused by accidents and carelessness, all these are exterior marks that we can identify with but perhaps don’t want others to see.  But why do we feel shame?  The dark mark positioned on the face, boastingly referred to as a “beauty spot” makes a mole more acceptable?  Freckles are seen as “cute” on little children, but on adults they are viewed as unattractive?  Even as sun damage.  (I like my freckles, even if they are a tad smudgy in my old age)





So what about the marks within, those that no one can see, caused by emotional damage?   Abuse, words, lies, cruelty, rejection, bullying?  We can hide those so very easily by pretending, publicly, they don’t exist.  The psychologist or wiser person may notice by your actual behaviour or responses to adversity, but most people you know won’t know they are there, just as you cover up the external scars.





Why feel shame?  We need to be transparent so why is it okay to express our opinions, be they religious, political or social?  The only thing one should be ashamed of is our own wrong behaviour surely?  But by confessing it and intending not to go there again, we are forgiven and can move on, so why hide our “war” wounds?  We are meant to be a more tolerant people, less judgemental, more accepting of people in their various walks, with their various styles of tattered baggage, or physical differences.


It makes me sad that still, today, people will judge you from their perception of what perfection is, failing to be that person, in any little way makes you the victim of their disdain.  Surely that is the perpetrators downfall, not yours?





Early in my twenties I developed a skin disease called psoriasis, following a trauma.  I was pretty much covered in little red, scaly spots.  It was embarassing, people stared and I would explain if able, but the one place that was a real bone of contention was the public swimming pool, which I loved to mess about in.  However, the getting out and jumping back in showed these patches up in a spectacular way, crimson rings of disgusting looking “could it be contagious” marks.  It was one way of getting the pool to myself, but then it was a boring place to be.  I learnt not to like going swimming in public swimming pools.  I still have psoriasis, and people still stare at the scaly patches on my elbows, but I don’t cover up anymore…I am who I am, warts and all.  I just wish other’s would not feel so intimidated by the stares and jeers too.  Don’t be the victim to the bullies or ignorant.












Necessary Reparation.

Every now and then I read something that moves me and I feel the need to share it,  which I do so often on facebook and twitter.

Today, this particular devotional reminded me of a conversation I had, only a few days ago.  The deep deep hurt, which continues to haunt me, and effects me so painfully from time to time that I fall into an emotional chasm of distrust, disbelief (in people) and self hatred.  At those times I will, almost aggressively, reject any sentiments of love toward me.

Without chewing over old ground I will simply say I had one of those moments a few days ago when I asked, how could people who go to church, who worship God, who quote scripture, run groups then advise people to go against what is written in the bible!  That they will judge a person for getting a divorce yet they advise people to divorce themselves from those with whom they are having difficulties.

How can you live one way, yet preach another?  How can you teach one thing and practise another?  How can you hurt a “brother or sister” and justify it?  It is a cop out.

Our God is a God of relationship!  Our God is a God of love.  Our God is a God of restoration and reconciliation.  How can people ignore dismiss those truths when dealing with others?  Especially those who are mentoring..discipling…teaching…leading?  To practise what one preaches is essential, if extremely hard!

So here is the devotional I read this morning before attending church….highlights are mine.

Go Back to Go Forward

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 17, 2017

Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.    Matthew 5:23-24

First, go back and make things right relationally.   Go back before you move on, or you will drive a relational wedge. The flesh wants to forget without addressing the real issues that divide, but this is not the Jesus way.

Christ commands us to humble ourselves and go back to seek reconciliation in fractured relationships. Disappointment with your parents may have severed communication, or a child may need your mature and forgiving love. You may have harbored resentment toward a friend over feeling left out. A work associate may have distanced himself because of a misunderstanding. It’s hard to serve heaven while in the midst of broken relationships on earth.

In fact, your worship reminds you of where you need to restore relationships. You are not to move on in your generosity and service to God until you first go back to the point of offense and make amends. It is not a good thing to offer a gift to God while there are still grudges churning in your gut. An unclear conscience is unable to authentically associate with the Almighty and others. When you go back to the point of offense, you better understand the reason for the hurt; here is where healing begins.

Spend your time and energy in relational wholeness, then you can move on. But when you go back, make sure you are prayed up. A gentle and humble attitude goes a long way toward avoiding an altercation. Take more than your share of the responsibility by apologizing and making restitution (compensation for loss), as it enhances reconciliation in relationships. Use the right words in the right way, as wrong words said the wrong way wreck relationships.

Right words, delivered without pride, can bring healing and wholeness to the ruptured relationship. You can’t move on until you go back to the point of relational departure. It is here that deposits of gentleness, humility, and unselfishness move the relationship in the right direction. It is important that you fight for oneness because your natural self defaults to division.

His mission on earth was to reconcile man to God. His goal was to dissolve the distance between His holy heavenly Father and sinful man. This was the purpose of His death on the cross: reconciling relationships. Moreover, your ministry from God is reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-19). How can you be reconciled to God in heaven and not to people on earth? God’s expectation for His children is to come clean with those between whom there is division. This is the normal Christian life and is consistent living for the Lord.

However, you cannot accomplish this countercultural commission by yourselves. The power of the Holy Spirit humbles your heart and heals, so first go and hunt for relational healing. Forgiveness forgets and moves on only after reconciliation.Move on after you mend the relationship, as wholeness in your relationships validates your life and ministry.

The Bible says, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother”(1 John 4:20-21).


Heavenly Father, give me the courage to go back and ask forgiveness, so I can move forward by faith, in Jesus’ name, amen.


Who have I offended that needs my apology and restitution?

Related Readings


A spiritual wilderness is a strange place to wander.  It is a place where there is nothing, no connection to anything living.  It is a place that is uninteresting but it is a place where you can find solitude and if you are intelligent, a reconnection to that which you have lost.

Sadly, I have not been intelligent.  I have dipped in and out of this place for too long. Tested it, then run back to the world to seek satisfaction, only to find nothing but distraction and temporary enjoyment.

To know what is required and to do little about it, to give up the moment it requires effort and discipline is such weakness and shameful dishonour to whom you should be seeking.

Slowly I have been clawing my way back into the place I want to be, I am reconnecting spiritually with the One I desire to be with beyond anyone else.  The only One who can love me how I need to be loved.  The only One who can comfort me in the places I need comfort.  The only One who can restore me to the person He wants me to be.  The only One who can heal me.

I have felt so desperately sad and yet hidden it for so long it has become a way of life.  I am a good actress in that area.  I have shied away at “letting go” for fear of the tsunami of emotions that will eminate from me, such brokenness.

I have touched on this before from time to time, then got a grip and backed away as though all was well.  I have stated that “it is well with my soul” when it most definitely has not been.  I have laughed when I wanted to weep.  I have been gentle when I wanted to be violent.  I have kept silent when I wanted to scream and I have gritted my teeth when I’ve wanted to wail.

Well it is time to change.  I speak often of the time when I lost everything I held dear and clung to God, a place where I had such deep pain but joy and peace.  I am driven now to find the place of joy and peace, but not to share any part with any pain.

So, I am seeking God.  Silly statement.  God is there.  God is here.  He is indwelling and He has been all along, its just that I became too tired to try anymore.  Too tired to pray i  the way I used to pray, which was all day… too tired to study scripture or even attempt to understand it, too tired to keep on keeping.  Sundays are wonderful, they buoy you up for the days ahead, or certainly for the rest of that day.  They remind you why you claim to be a Christian.

There is change.  I am trying, fighting the tiredness, reading more, praying more, and including God in my wanderings rather than trying to sort it out myself.

There is change.  My focus had been to move north, it was what I was clinging on to.  New beginnings, affordable living, a different denomination.

There is change.  Being asked to do something you don’t feel worthy of doing or being.  Making a commitment.

There is change.  Not being the person you think people think you are, but finding out who God says you are.  That is big change, that is changing a lifestyle, showing your vulnerability, being honest!!!

There is change.  That there are some who do not know you very well yet can see to the depth of your being and know your heart was ripped out of you, for God was with me when that happened.  That God will restore what was stolen and a new thing will be born in my life.  (if you are reading this GS, thank you)

There is change.  There has to be.  There has to be more than this.  There is more than this and I want it.  Don’t you?  Time to surrender again.


Tis merely a journey.

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The picture of a little girl, aged six, sitting on a large lawn, stroking her beloved dog, looking very confused  and rather sad, moved me in a way it had not before. unnamed

The picture was discussed and then we moved to the next photo, one of a 13 year old, her eyes showed an absence of self, she also looked sad and rather lost. 529356_125461664312183_1772688323_n (1)

Then to the next photo, that of the sixteen year old, who continued to look sad and unsure of herself.

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One may wonder, is she just a miserable character or has she been made to feel the way she looks?  The thing is, I know that person, and I know there are a great many pictures of her smiling and looking full of joy, not a worry in the world,  certainly not affected by any sadness or harm…. she abides in me.

Last week, on the 13th of an 18 week counselling plan for healing from childhood sexual abuse, an attempt to do a gentle form of regression took place.  I don’t think my counsellor has met anyone like me before.  I am certain that most clients are deeply emotional and even angry at what has happened to them.  Justifiably so…but I feel quite resigned and over it, really, I think.

So why am I receiving treatment for something that is not really troubling me?  Good question.  Because it is known that the acts of sexual abuse go far deeper than the physical and emotional, but to the spiritual…and it is there that I need healing.  I have forgiven my abusers, long long ago, I can even excuse the third abuser, much to the disgust of some.  I was told I am justifying his action…displaced loyalty/love?  Who knows….but God.  But my answer?…they will have all been held accountable by now, as all three are deceased…

We are told to not live in our past.  To let the past go, to live in the here and now and look to the future.  Good advice.  But if your past continues to damage you, unwittingly, if it keeps an evil grip on the very core of your being, then it must be dug out, examined and put away.  The past must be, perhaps, cleansed before closing and moving forward.  It is not good to dwell on the things that are unlovely, but in the right circumstances, with the right people…..and so this is what I must do…again and again, until there is nothing left to hinder my tomorrow.  Like a good gardener, digging out the roots of the weeds to make room for new growth and pruning the dead wood.


So to move on…not to dwell on self but to look outward and to other’s not self.  To love as you love yourself…to not be self seeking, self satisfying, self needy.  To serve others brings joy, there is more to giving than receiving, and by giving we inadvertently receive that which is so much more than if we had not given.

Which brings me to where I am in the present.  I have been in a difficult place, a no man’s land, trying to go somewhere, not sure where, waiting on God to direct me, feeling frustrated, health declining, putting on weight and generally not feeling like progress is happening…feeling stuck in a rut, useless, unworthy, bereft, not myself.  If you ask anyone who knew me before 2000 they would have told you that I was seriously organised, efficient, fast worker, “sorted”, thriving best when pressured and stressed and blooming when giving or being needed.  The trouble with that was a drivenness to be what I thought everyone needed me to be, a constant seeking of approval, people pleasing, perfectionist etc.  No leeway for being just me.

But then, I was hiding and I have hidden for so long I am lost.  The labels which gave me “identity” have long gone,  and the newer label of “not required” hangs heavily.   So the compassion but dismissiveness over the little six year old is superceded by the horror of having all you have known and loved removed from your life.  The anger and tears come over those situations, far more than the disgusting act of removing my innocence at such a young age.

Coming to terms with all that has been stolen is a heck of journey to take over an eighteen week period.  I am not sitting here weeping as I write, I am simply stating the bare facts in a matter of fact manner.  There is no self pity at this precise moment in time.

This place I am at, on my journey, is a middle ground, a place where more healing is being received, a place of reflection, of thankfulness, but also a sense of urgency to press forward, to move in and move on.  As the counselling is coming to the end, I am also preparing for surgery to my right foot and possibly later to the left…then there is next year….always looking forward hopefully….being free, growing closer to God, being well and being fruitful.   Oh how I long to be fruitful.

This is merely a journey.    Joy is coming.

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The Warrior is a Child.

Often feel weary and unworthy of calling myself a Christian.  My human instinct is to hide but I have a wonderful husband who covers me through these times with prayer and love, encouraging me to attend church and to pray.

I am so blessed to attend a church where the teaching, preaching, fellowship, worship and prayer is so solid, so heavenly, so God centered.  Further blessed by facebook friends who tolerate my outpourings of angst, who reach out their hands and offer support and encouragement as I struggle against my inner torments.

Then there are those who seem to have an inner knowing, an understanding, of who I really am and who I am to become. They know the mask, the horrible wall built up around me and how much that needs to be demolished so that freedom is accomplished and His great works can begin in me.

I have nothing to offer except thankfulness.

This song was suggested by Alan, a well loved and respected man of God and Pastor in Lincoln, one of those unique people who seem to have a deeper understanding.

Although one would never wish these feelings and places of darkness upon another living soul, it is always encouraging to know that you are not alone, it gives hope when you know many of the people who have struggled at this depth have conquered and triumphed through it all.

I share this with you so that you may also know hope, that whatever you may be going through right now is only temporary and to hold on to that hope that better things are most definitely coming…it is promised.




I have always enjoyed reading Proverbs, dipping in and out from time to time, it all makes perfect sense, I am aware of nodding my head in agreement, as I am sure many do.  However, one particular verse struck me recently and then, several other writings landed on my lap to impact me further.  The verse…”Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me. Proverbs 1:28


Personally I know this to be true…I know God hides His face when you refuse to be obedient.  Having set me free in 2007 I was hungry for him, and despite the pain of separation from family I was in total obedience to Him, which was when He revealed Himself to me. I have pondered upon those events many times during the last six years. 

I entered into a friendship/relationship with someone which totally absorbed my time and energy and finances.  It was, clearly, an ungodly friendship and despite a few verbal concerns from close friends, I continued as though in disobedience.  In my heart, I knew, but my flesh wanted companionship and as I had lost so much, I sought the warmth of closeness with one other.  Foolish, utterly foolish.  One can make all sorts of excuses as to why one does things, but there is nothing like accountability. 

Anyway, long story short, that association came between me and my God. It does not have to be an ungodly association, of course, that can come between you and our maker…distraction, worldly otherness, idols etc etc.  It is putting other things, or people, first. It is only when that alternative “first” has gone that you are aware of the distance you have gone from God…you cannot “find” Him and usually at a time you desperately need to be aware of His presence.  It is a devastating but common happening.

Time passes and one thinks that reconciliation can take effect tomorrow, but tomorrow comes and the effort of confronting ones own sin is put off until the next day.  So it goes and years pass.  The effort of making things right becomes harder.  It is only by laying our hearts open and surrendering ourselves to God that we can even begin to make the wrong, right.  That is the beginning and that is the easy part.  The hard part is being obedient, is being consistent, is humbling yourself day in and day out and staying on track.  It is so easy to slide sideways.  Time passes. Other things come along and interrupt the process of getting on track.  In my case a ton of unforgiveness.

There are certain people in my past that I have to forgive time and again, people I don’t want anything to do with but I keep praying about, telling God that I want to forgive them and forget them. Even with my own mother, I chose to forgive her and I did, easily, but I did not want to have a relationship with her.  I was fearful of more hurt, more pain, more false accusations.  So I kept her at arms length, just touching base three or four times a year.  However, in the last four years, we have built a relationship and heartfelt forgiveness on both sides has taken place.  The incredible release on removing the boundary, trusting God by being obedient to His will. When we use boundaries as self protective armour we end up creating walls to keep others out.  And the close relationships that we do have will be fragile and filled with anxiety.  We were born for intimacy and we must let nothing steal our ability to be vulnerable or confrontable. Boundaries cause separation and confusion.
There is a trend today that encourages separation especially if a relationship is toxic.  Separation is never right unless one party cannot desist from actually harming the other. Usually there are many ways to confront or deal with such situations. There are plentiful counsellors, but be discerning on who counsels you, more harm can be done, and in Church there are people who can step between and create a safe place to discuss and resolve such situations.  

Gentle loving resolution is the way forward.  Honesty and understanding is all that is required. Sadly people take the easy option today and cut themselves off from such situations unaware of the devastating effect it can have emotionally, and spiritually on all associated with this relationship, and there is the knock on effect of generational damage.  

I closed the door on my mother and if I had been well and had the right support around me at the time, I may have approached it very differently. I too have had doors closed on me by my children, (although delighted and thankful that reconciliation with my younger daughter has taken place) …the ongoing despair and trauma of that, has been devastating, especially as no one has explained to me what it is I am supposed to have done to have deserved that…nor have they been willing to have mediation or seek help through the right the channels  Who knows what damage that is causing them and the knock on effect to any children they may have. Spiritual connection between relatives is, generally, looked upon as myth, hocus pocus, even today.  I do believe that families have generational issues, I am living proof of such “myths”.  Prayer, deliverance, healing are very necessary.  Grace, understanding, Forgiveness, are powerful tools that need to be used to keep family whole.

A cataclysmic event takes place when families collide or divide.  A spiritual seismic eruption takes place, especially when it is between a mother and her children.  A chasm is created which not only affects the people involved here and now, but will continue into the generations to come unless there is a wholehearted reconciliation. It can be too late!  Tomorrow may never come.  The person you are holding at arms length, the person you have not forgiven, the person you spread lies about may die tomorrow…reconciliation cannot happen.  Who are you causing anxiety to? Is God hiding His face from you?  Trust me when I say,  there is nothing, absolutely nothing that is better than being with God in that secret place.  Indescribable.  Incomparable. The ability to humble oneself in full acknowledgement of the part you, yourself, have played in the breakdown of relationship, whether it was wilful, accidental, inadvertently or filled with motive, is necessary.  To seek forgiveness and to forgive.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:15 And so it is with our relationship with God….. Then they will cry out to the LORD, but he will not answer them. At that time he will hide his face from them because of the evil they have done. Micah 3:4   

Sinfulness causes separation and confusion. “This isn’t the kind of scripture we generally like reading, but it does give us a clue about the people God hides Himself from. It’s those who refuse to humble themselves before Him and turn from their sinful ways. Instead they continue to practise evil deeds. They are the ones who won’t be able to find God when they call out to Him.  Why can’t they find God? The writer of Psalm 91 gives us a clue when he refers to ‘the secret place of the most high’, and says of those who dwell there that God will rescue them, protect them, answer them when they call, and show them His salvation. There are those God’s hiding from, and there are those who are living with God in His hiding place!” excerpts from Seeds of the Kingdom. How can we enter, and live permanently, in that secret place with God, hearing His voice and knowing His presence. Psalm 25:14 says ‘The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant’. ‘Obedience to God is always for our good and His glory. You can never go wrong when you choose to obey Him. The cost of obedience is small, compared with the cost of disobedience.’ Be wise and seek Him.  2015 looms, more time has passed it is time to be wise.

Counting my blessings as I approach 60

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First of all I want to thank every single person who has supported, encouraged, discouraged, read, approved, disapproved and commented publicly and privately, followed etc, on my previous posts.  My journey of letting it all out.  A purging of the past.  Without you it would have been a very lonely journey.

All previous posts have been deleted.  That book is closed.


” It is difficult for people with a crushed spirit to fulfil their destiny in God because of all the lies and wounding that are affecting their ability to hear and know God. For our purpose and calling under God, is intimately tied up with our spirit”. Peter Horrobin

This year we were fortunate to be invited to attend a discipleship course, Freedom in Christ.  Using scripture to give us the tools to overcome strongholds that prevent us from growth.  To build us up and set us free.  Tools we will be using for the rest of our lives.

Now we are on week 11 of Ellel 365a personal transformation online course.  Personally, I wish I had known about it years ago, it is enlightening and life changing.

Ellel has been life saving as far as I am concerned.  Diagnostics and treatments abound. Personally, I have been delivered from soul ties, generational curses, prayed over, and found to have been born with a fractured spirit (the poor counsellor  was in tears when she relayed that information to me).  To be told by those who have, over the years, counselled, listened, and treated many, that you are the most broken person they have ever known is somewhat frightening, an acknowledgement that my past is a heavy burden and I should be thankful I have survived albeit not very well.  Battle scars abound.  But not to dwell on those things, and to seek healing to enable growth is the stance I choose to take.

Acknowledgement and accountability standthe past has afflicted much, but the future is bright and I am thankful (most of the time).

Today, as I write, I must acknowledge that I still struggle and probably always will, but God alone is my comforter and as I lean on Him more and more I know I will struggle less.  So thankful for all my friends…those who have been loyal through the years and for the new ones I am making through a new fellowship.  Betrayal leaves you phenomenally insecure but learning to trust is part of the future.


It is about finding the way to allow the truths of His promises to sink deep into my spirit and heal the fractured part of me which does not allow me to grow or move forward.  It is being self disciplined in my responses when hurt or confused.  It is about trust in Him in all things.

Thankful for my home, food, clothes, car to get me to church and visit friends, computer to enable me to do courses and communicate, but more than that, church, friendships (old and new), family, dog, a safe place to express myself (England) and last, but not least, my husband.  This man came into my life at a difficult time and has remained through difficult times, promises to stay no matter what the future brings and has loved me through it all. This man says, when I collapse under the weight of the pain of the past from time to time, “it’s you and me against the world”.  Assurance that no matter what he won’t let go.  Thank you Lord for your provision.

I am so thankful for the reconciliation or reconnection which has taken place with one of my children and her family.  There has been much misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

To have rekindled a relationship with my mother and to have received her forgiveness and to receive her admission of guilt and an apology was a huge release.

There is a long journey ahead and many, many hurdles to overcome.  I will find my way around those mountains that will not be moved!

“The Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”
Isaiah 52:12, ESV

God always provides.